Building Express.js project by Utilizing MVC Pattern
Express provides elegant APIs for handling requests, but having all code in one app.js is not ideal. Utilizing MVC architecture for better maintainability.
Express provides elegant APIs for handling requests, but having all code in one app.js is not ideal. Utilizing MVC architecture for better maintainability.
Express.js is the closest framework to frontend, ideal for full-stack engineers to quickly engage with both fields. Let's build a simple in-memory todo backend
Let's build a cinema seats layout! It's an interesting Frontend problem that required a comprehensive understanding to solve.
In the development field, much of the work involves structuring information, so I find it fitting to call myself a "🌵 Software Gardener."
I first heard the term CSS Container Queries a year or two ago. As web evolves, this technology will be a key piece for future RWD web development.
Recently, a project I maintain planning to introduce Dark Mode, but I believe it's not a cost-effective choice. This article discusses why I think so.
Recently reading about Goals, Problem, Solutions in Stay SasSy made me realize this is how I break down problems at work!
I wrote nearly a hundred E2E tests and aim to solidify my knowledge while helping my team quickly adapt to the E2E Cypress testing project.
It's often taught that using multiple h1 tags is wrong, but is that really the case? I delve into various perspectives and findings.
For decorative purposes, images are needed to display headings. I wondered if "putting images inside headings" is compliant with HTML.
Images are essential elements that enrich web content. Understanding how to improve them is the most cost-effective choice for website performance.
Metrics are values designed to measure website experience. This article challenges to explain all Google’s web experience metrics
Creating a search box from scratch, allowing input and matching existing data to display relevant content, practical exercise for JavaScript beginners.
A counter is a basic exercise commonly seen in various frameworks, showcasing minimal functionality of any app. Let's recreate it using native JavaScript.
Good documentation is easy to write, maintain. Article covers four types of documentation and tips for organizing ideas, inspired by Daniele Procida's talk.