Map vs WeakMap in JavaScript
I previously wrote an article about the built-in data structure in ES6 JavaScript: Map. This time, let's discuss WeakMap and how it differs from Map.
I previously wrote an article about the built-in data structure in ES6 JavaScript: Map. This time, let's discuss WeakMap and how it differs from Map.
There is a data structure in JavaScript ES6 similar to objects that I have never fully understood. — Map. Let's compare objects with Map.
Control flow is one of the essential concepts in programming languages. Besides using if and else, JavaScript offers the conditional (ternary) operator.
Explains the difference between "expressions" and "statements". Expressions produce a value, while statements perform actions.
Destructuring allows quick access to array or object data, making it a common syntax sugar. It simplifies code and renames extracted data for clarity.
By learning the Spread and Rest operators introduced, you can write the same code more elegantly. Let's explore their uses through animations and real examples.
Most of the time, you won’t want to use "loose equality"; try using "strict equality" to write your code more rigorously and accurately
Creating a search box from scratch, allowing input and matching existing data to display relevant content, practical exercise for JavaScript beginners.
A counter is a basic exercise commonly seen in various frameworks, showcasing minimal functionality of any app. Let's recreate it using native JavaScript.
Learn the optional chaining syntax to safely access nested object properties without causing errors, even if those properties do not exist.